
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Afternoon Update- 2pm EST

I finally had a chance to talk to Sharon!  

Here's what we know at this hour:

- Mom is sitting up in a chair outside of her bed

- She is eating a liquid diet

- They removed her catheter and an A-line tube.  Now she has 3 ports in the left arm and one on the right

- She is very weak

-Confusion is an issue...she's just not as "sharp" as we would like mentally

- Her blood level has dropped, which concerns Sharon.  It dropped an entire point since yesterday.  They haven't given her any more blood yet, but they may have to

- There was some "rusty" stool, mainly what the nurses are calling residual from the procedure, though they will continue to monitor

- Hopefully the nurse issues are ironed out now after Sharon's heart to heart with the Head Nurse

- They haven't talked to any doctors yet today, but  they should be in shortly

- Mom is still saying, "Something doesn't feel right"

Here's what we are praying:

- For increased strength for Mom and even for Dad and Sharon as they are also getting weary

- For her care to be more alert and attentive

-That her body will line up with God's will and work as it should

- Mom's body will begin to recoup and make new blood like it's supposed to

- That she would begin to "feel better"

Here's what you can do:

The kids and I got some cards finished for Mom that we are taking to the post office this afternoon.  We know many of you would send cards, but don't have an address.  Since your prayers and encouragement have meant so much to Sharon and Dad, we were hoping to get those of you who are praying for Mom to send her a quick note via my expectant prayers e-mail.  
E-mail is also quicker than snail mail and Sharon could even have some of those today!
It doesn't have to be long (it can be if you want it to).   You don't even have to put your last name, but it would be cool to know what state you are from.   We've let Mom know that people are praying for her all over the nation - and beyond.  I promise, you will not be added to any "list" and I will not keep track of your e-mail addresses... it's just a gesture from the body of Christ meant to encourage.  We all know what it's like to face crisis; and this trial may last awhile longer.    Encouragement is what they need right now.

If you care to, send your responses to:

Thank you in advance!  We love and thank you all!  

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