
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Another Day at Home Sweet Home

I am a person who loves to travel (except during the hot summer when pregnant).  My husband and I have often talked about taking the kids more places when they are a "bit older"; well, they seem to be a bit older now.  The benefit of taking the kids now is that most of them are old enough to remember where they have been, appreciate it more, and enjoy the experience!  I can't tell you how many times I have talked about going somewhere and my Mom would tell me... "Well, we did that when you were little".  I have no idea where half the destinations of travel were nor the events that we attended!  

Pete and I have lots of ideas of what would be neat to do and places we would like to go... I tend to focus on the learning experience (that comes from being a home educator).  With God's help, we intend on doing more traveling in the years to come so that they kids can realize that it's a big world out there where you should dare to dream and explore the  beautiful country we live in.
But my blog today really isn't about travel... it's about home, sweet home! 

No matter where we travel... it's always good to be home.  Sleeping in your own bed, the familiarity, the sounds that are unique, the comfort of being in your's priceless.    It's a place full of memories,  a time capsule of years gone by and a catalyst of future joys.    A house is more than rooms and items that fill it... it's the people... the family that dwells there sharing life, the friends who have blessed your life, and loved ones who enjoy each other.

Walking in the door from the lake this weekend brought an overwhelming feeling of "ahh... glad to be back". I sat on the couch pondering my home... I had to stop and thank God over and over again for giving us such a wonderful place to live.   God literally led us to our home and our eight years of living here have brought many changes; not only to our physical house but our spiritual home as well. 

A warm, contented feeling came over me as I sat listening to the sound of the children playing outside, the birds chirping their springtime melodies, absorbing the cool breeze coming through the open windows and said out loud... "There's no place like home."   Don't you feel that way sometimes, too?

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