
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Another Year Makes 36!

"You have crowned the year with Your bounty, And Your paths drip with fatness."  Psalm 65:11

Well, I'm another year older today!  I know, I got a kick out of the verse. Hey, who said "fatness" had to be a bad thing.  You're talking to a woman who has had 8 pregnancies... I think I am due a little "fatness".

I can say for sure that my 35th year was crowned with the Lord's goodness.  He answered countless prayers and His presence and direction were with me every day!  My best present today is knowing Mom is recovering and home!  PTL!!!

Looking back on the past year, it doesn't feel like I accomplished a whole lot, but I guess it's all in how you look at it.    I had a baby, taught another year of school, hit two successful years of Expectant Prayer Ministries, started a few projects (that haven't been finished yet), preached a few times, wrote a few songs,  saw Celeste Crowned as an Honor Star, and I had to get some glasses for reading (yeah, now I feel old).  Those seem to be the highlights that come to mind.

With each passing year, I look back and wonder, did I do all I could for the Lord last year?  Was I faithful in prayer and Bible reading?  Did I minister to others?  Was I successful in pointing and guiding my children to Christ? Did I support God's work through tithes, offerings, and missions giving?  Did I use my talents to the best of my abilities for Him- am I living out what He's called me to do?  Did I pray for my neighbors and treat them as I would like to be treated?  Did I allow the Holy Spirit to work in me?  Did the Lord prune any areas of my life?  Have I grown Spiritually?

It is my prayer this coming year of my life that God will use me in ways that will expand my vision.  I want to be used in the harvest- however God can use me.  Believing God is a God of order, I know there was meaning and purpose that I was born on Mother's Day and minister to children and women - as well as the literal meaning of my name: white big-field, white.   I also think it's cool that Israel was re-established as a nation on this day back in 1948!    (BTW- not only was I born on Mother's Day, but my sister was born on Labor Day - we pray for the Lord of the harvest to send WORKERS into the field...and that describes my sister to a "T").  Isn't God so amazing!

I am asking God for harvest this next year and I believe He will give me "the nations as my inheritance".   From the time I was little and had a real experience with the Lord at age 7 and again at 11, the end-time harvest has been forefront in my mind.  There's always been a passion deep in my heart for studying end-time prophecy.
I believe we are living in those days and God is moving us toward accomplishing His will in these final days.  I feel blessed to be living in this day and time - and I hope you do, too.

So, even if it isn't your birthday today, I pray that the Lord would crown this year with goodness, mercy, and righteousness!

Blessings friends, and have a wonderful day - you have to 'cause it's my birthday and I SAY SO!

Happy Birthday also to my birthday twin, Debbie!!!

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