"But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you." Psalm 5:11 (NIV)
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you." Psalm 5:11 (NIV)
As a police family, it's part of our makeup to recognize that God supplies divine protection to His children. We depend on it! If you have followed my blogs for some time, you may remember that last year, my husband was "stabbed" at work. It happened weeks before I was to deliver our sixth child (Shadrach). I will never forget getting that "call in the night" to contact the hospital (Pete had enough coherence to inform his officer buddies not to show up at the house and send me into labor- we didn't need both of us in the hospital at the same time!). Through it all, we realized that things could have been so much worse; a few centimeters off here or there and he would have had BIG problems. Even though we would have preferred God to keep him completely away from harm, we testify that God's miraculous hand of mercy was upon Pete that night.
How many times has the Lord offered divine protection that we haven't seen? Incidents only supply us with a brief window of God's protection. I contend that there are probably hundreds of instances when the Lord (or His angels) have averted danger from Pete that we know nothing about this side of heaven. Multiply that by the thousands upon thousands of law enforcement officers who serve and protect every day. That makes for one big testimony.
But, when critical incidents happen and we know God has intervened, I feel like it's our obligation to offer up praise and thanksgiving to God.
I want to share with you the most recent experience coming from our own family...
June 30, 2008 - Last night was a regular work night for Pete. He responded to a call around 10pm - a domestic related call, but the party was in a truck and assaulting other vehicles. Pete responded to the call along with an assist officer. They ended up having to chase that man and the guy ended up driving home and went inside his house. Because this was a "felony" type situation, Pete ended up having to kick down the front door. (As a side note, he used to be the breach the doors for the SWAT team). Almost simultaneously, the other officer kicked in another door. Boom... boom! Upon entry, Pete entered the doorway and surveyed his surroundings instantly. The suspect was standing in the hallway (not all that far away from Pete. The man drew a 22 caliber weapon (like the one used in the assassination attempt of Reagan). Pete looked up just in time to see the man in the hallway with the gun pointed right at him. He heard the shot, but had moved back just in time to miss the bullet. He said it happened so fast... if the man would have pulled the trigger a second earlier, it would have hit him. A 22 isn't a loud gun and the bullets aren't very big, but they bounce around on your insides and rip things apart. Of course, I believe divine intervention played a role and God made sure he was back far enough. I could just imagine those big heavenly hands pulling him back! The bullet shattered the door right next to him- sending a spray of glass all over his face, neck, etc. Again, I could envision the angelic wings covering over Pete. He came home with a little "stinging" sensation, but absolutely no cuts!
With shots fired, they evacuated the house and called in SWAT, the second night crew, and all the big wigs (Chief, lieutenants, etc). Pete was able to get to a different location. In the meantime, the man fired two more shots. One hit Pete's police car and left a nice dent.
With shots fired, they evacuated the house and called in SWAT, the second night crew, and all the big wigs (Chief, lieutenants, etc). Pete was able to get to a different location. In the meantime, the man fired two more shots. One hit Pete's police car and left a nice dent.
Within minutes of the man attempting to shoot Pete, the suspect went back into his bedroom and engaged his weapon one more time; he shot himself dead.
Because of the nature of the call, they don't just go rushing the house, they had to try to gas the man out, etc. All the while he was already gone. They sent in the robot around 5am and found the man.
But that's not the end of the story. God is so multifaceted; it's amazing!
Because of the nature of the call, they don't just go rushing the house, they had to try to gas the man out, etc. All the while he was already gone. They sent in the robot around 5am and found the man.
But that's not the end of the story. God is so multifaceted; it's amazing!
Meanwhile, a truck shows up at the man's residence. There are two occupants inside. The son of the man and a driver. Pete went over to the car and recognized the son. He was a young man who has been in jail. Like father like son, unfortunately. He looked over to the driver and thought 'no way'. The driver turned out to be the person involved in Pete's stabbing incident. She missed her court appearance for the stabbing situation about a month ago. Pete was disappointed that she didn't show up and we were praying that she would be apprehended. I remember telling Pete that the Lord was going to "deliver her into his hands".
The fruition of that promise God had revealed during prayer had come to fruition. She had driven herself right to him!
Yes, she had warrants and YES, Pete called another officer to come over to arrest her. God just delivered her right into Pete's hands!
Unfortunately, Pete had the responsibility of telling the son that his father had killed himself. But, he does handle that kind of thing very well. Spending several years in full time ministry gives him a unique quality in how he deals with the general public.
We are still praising God for being a God who sees all, knows all, and protects. Like I said, we may never even fully know the extent to which God moves on our behalf!
If you know someone who is in public service - and even if you don't - please remember to pray for them. You never know when you may need them. We don't normally have "warning" when our 9-11's happen.
Lord, Thank you for service workers today. I ask that You would divinely protect them and guide the work of their hands. Move them with compassion and mercy that flows from Your Spirit. Reward their servant's heart with good things. Grant peace to their families and strength to deal with schedules and demands that wear on the mind, emotions, and body. Bring health to their bodies and endurance. Keep them from forms of evil. In Your name, amen.
The fruition of that promise God had revealed during prayer had come to fruition. She had driven herself right to him!
Yes, she had warrants and YES, Pete called another officer to come over to arrest her. God just delivered her right into Pete's hands!
Unfortunately, Pete had the responsibility of telling the son that his father had killed himself. But, he does handle that kind of thing very well. Spending several years in full time ministry gives him a unique quality in how he deals with the general public.
We are still praising God for being a God who sees all, knows all, and protects. Like I said, we may never even fully know the extent to which God moves on our behalf!
If you know someone who is in public service - and even if you don't - please remember to pray for them. You never know when you may need them. We don't normally have "warning" when our 9-11's happen.
Lord, Thank you for service workers today. I ask that You would divinely protect them and guide the work of their hands. Move them with compassion and mercy that flows from Your Spirit. Reward their servant's heart with good things. Grant peace to their families and strength to deal with schedules and demands that wear on the mind, emotions, and body. Bring health to their bodies and endurance. Keep them from forms of evil. In Your name, amen.