
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Don't Throw the Baby out With the Bath Water

There is no enterprise which you cannot submit to the test of prayer!
                                                                     - Hosea Ballow

I realize that not all of my readers are parents, but I want you to consider something that does affect all of us today: the economy, environment, and abortion.

Are the economy and the environmental groups directly related to increasing numbers of abortion?  What do you think?   I was reading on the Family Research Council this morning about how governments (including ours) are  leading Christian toward policies that seem good on the surface (being conscious about the environment), but are in stark contrast to Scripture!    Statements have been made such as "having more than two children is irresponsible" and that "proper family planning (meaning instituting abortion) is essential for population control and reducing our carbon footprint on the earth".  I love what FRC had to say in response to this:  "But we must realize that there's a greater threat to the environment than climate change or scarce resources--and that's the threat of environmental extremism that elevates the planet above people. "  

When people start talking about babies as if limiting their number as a way to save our cities and states money (as Pelosi has said)  or preventing them from consuming our limited resources... that is WRONG thinking my friend.   Why do you think they were trying to sneak family planning into the bailout/stimulus package?  These people actually think that reducing the number of babies being born will help our economy?!   Thankfully, the President put the nix on that... for now.

The problem is not the baby, folks.

Think about it in these terms: would you kill a baby to save money or as a means of bettering the planet?  Sounds absurd to me!  Yet, this kind of thinking is growing like a weed and overtaking the fertile minds of America.

We have to realize that God has called us to be good stewards of what He made, including the earth, but when the "need to go green" turns us away from Scripture - that's when we need to be careful.  What happened to be good stewards of the innocent (unborn)?  We have not been good stewards of the unborn...    Things seem a little unbalanced these days.

I'm often asked about my ministry, especially from people who are non-Christians.  Why do I do what I do and how did it all begin? It began with my own personal experiences as a mother - spanning 8 pregnancies of my own.  God dropped it into my heart nearly 10 years ago that I was so share what I'd learned with others.  That is why I do what I do.  Trying to get parents to think about their unborn baby as a person with rights... recognizing their value and bonding with them even before birth is a vital ministry in today's world. I had no idea it would be such a "hot topic" two and a half years ago when our first book came out.   If you can minister to an expectant parent and get them praying for their child even before birth, you have benefited not only the life of the parent, but the baby as well.  Just imagine if more expectant moms were given books like mine - especially those who are on the fringe of making a decision whether or not to abort.   That's why I do what I do.

Can you imagine how this world would change if every baby born had a praying mother!

Abraham Lincoln once said, "God bless my mother.  All I am or hope to be I owe to her."   He had a praying mother!  Not only did prayer effect his life for the positive, but he went on to learn to trust and rely upon the Lord himself. 

Abraham Lincoln has been quoted saying, "I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.  My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for that day."

If we want to see the world change, it must be changed one child at a time - by changing one parent at a time!  If parents value the life of their children (born or unborn) then we will not allow legislation of any kind to threaten them.

To close today, I was thinking about the rest of you who may have endeavors you are praying for today - things you are trying to accomplish or tasks to complete.  Here's what I have for you today:  Anything that is worth doing is worth doing well, and that journey does not begin with a single step; it begins on your knees.

He who labors, prays. - St. Augustine

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