Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs
to such as these." Matthew 19:14
to such as these." Matthew 19:14
Allow me to strut a little bit and show my tail feathers! I am happy and proud as a peacock this morning!
Why am I so proud and happy? Because I witnessed my oldest son (who is 13) lead someone (an adult) back to the Lord last night - and boy was it glorious. This was not the first time he's witnessed or prayed with someone to receive Christ - or help someone understand the basics of salvation, but this one was particularly sweet! I am not going to go into the details, but let me just say that the Lord used him at just the right place at the right time. This was truly a God-thing and it was obvious that the Lord had intended on Titus fulfilling this purpose. The Word reminds us that it only takes a little faith to move mountains, and sometimes that faith is best displayed in the innocence of children. The Word even declares: "...and a little child shall lead them" Isaiah 11:6b
Some parents get excited when their kids hit home runs, others when they have accomplished other things that gather accolades of men... I am a parent who is impressed when my kids do something toward the Kingdom of God and invest in eternal rewards!!!!
Parents - if you are investing time and effort into your children and raising them in the Lord - you WILL eventually begin to see the fruit growing! It's impossible to keep planting and NOT see some results of your labor. It's God's principle of sowing and reaping! As an educator and parent, I am thrilled when knowledge goes beyond the head, seeps into the heart, and is displayed in actions! Then you know that your child really has learned something! Some of the best things they learn in life are what the Holy Spirit teaches them - and truly... we cannot take any credit for events like this, but we can appreciate what the Lord is doing!
Sometimes their behavior or how they are viewed by others (which is usually not accurate anyway) will disappoint us, but don't let little actions here or there or the opinions of others define who they are. Realize that they are growing and they aren't perfect. Hey, neither are we. There is no such thing as a perfect child or a perfect parent. If you are frustrated today with parenting; just realize that God rewards those who diligently seek Him.
Today I am rejoicing with the words of John:
"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth." 3 John 1:4