
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Rewinding the Hands of Time

I remember a day when there were no such things as cell phones (or at least not cells that the general population used), widespread computers, online banking, surfing the web....  I could go on and on.  Maybe that's why I have a hard time grasping a news story I heard over the weekend.  Apparently two families have come forward to alert the media that their cell phones have been hacked into and that they are being "stalked".  It's not that I don't believe them because I really do think that this is happening to them despite what their cell providers or anyone else says.  It's a scary thought.  No matter what they do, this "hacker" person seems to have control over their phones.  Probably some type of spy ware.  They have changed phones several times, only to be recontacted by this wacko.  What disturbs me the most is that the perpetrator is able to listen in to family conversations, activate the phone camera, and watch their every move.   Both of these families have children, too.  One of the mothers said that the stalker was able to tell them about her son's baseball game; what color of hat he was wearing, what they were wearing, and if they had won the game or not.  In the other family, the teenage daughter is the main target, being left messages of threat and bodily harm.   Scary!

OK- so what's my point here?

I think the solution is fairly simple, although it seems that most people in this day and time would not dream of doing such a thing.... GET RID OF THE STUPID CELL PHONES!

One would have to ask if the damage being done emotionally and mentally is worth their "right" to have a cellular devise.  And that's not to mention that there could be potential physical harm to the children.  Why not just get rid of the cell?  Again, people survived in the past without cell phones; though for most people it's hard to imagine life without one.  People have come to rely too much on technology for a sense of security... in many times this is a false sense.   Is life going to stop just because you've given up your cell phone?  No!   I understand that most people don't even have a land line anymore, but if you are being "stalked", wouldn't your first priority be to eliminate all avenues where the stalker can obtain information?????  Just think about it.   After awhile, this creep would probably lose interest and stop his behavior.  He wouldn't want to risk blowing his anonymity through simple transmissions to actually stalking the person in his car or whatever.
But not once this weekend did I hear any reporter offer the advise of simply getting rid of the phones.  Why not? 
The request of the families was that the public be aware and that the stalker would quit calling.

Beyond this weird stalking incident, I see other things about mobile phones that bother me.   I see young kids... elementary aged kids... running around with phones.  What is the purpose? 
I was teaching a class one Wednesday evening and a girl had brought her cell phone.  It rang during our lesson.  It made me so mad that after she talked for a minute or so, I requested to speak to whomever was on the line.  The girl handed me the phone.  I informed the person that we were in class and that they would have to call back later!    The caller was her Grandma who had dropped her off for class- she knew we were in class.  No emergency, just called to tell her something.   GGRRR!

For these young kids, it's a  status issue.  If they have a cell.... whoooo...they're so cool.  I understand parents wanting to keep tabs on their kids, but has it escalated beyond a healthy point?  Are some parents using the cell to alleviate their responsibilities to watch their kids (eg. after school or so the parent can go out)?  Do we allow our kids to be alone (without adult supervision) in places that we wouldn't if they didn't have their cell- as if it keeps them safe (the mall, the movies, the pool, the park, or other places)?     I can see some benefits to children having phones, but that doesn't mean we should throw caution to the wind or become complacent in parenting simply because our kids have a phone.
And what about cheating in school?  Cell phones and their capabilities have made it very easy for kids to cheat- especially at the college level!  Teachers , I feel your frustration!

I am not cell phone bashing... I just wish we could all take a serious look at our behaviors from time to time to see if we're really progressing as a culture or digressing.  I own a cell phone, but I have to admit that I don't use it very often.  My husband likes me to carry it when I am out alone with the kids in case of car trouble.  I have asked myself when it comes to cells, is it really necessary to be available 24/7 to callers?  Heaven forbid you miss someone trying to get a hold of you.  Around my house, I don't have time to talk on the phone hours a day.  That's why I have an answering machine (which I think it sort of rude in itself).  Many days I don't even have time to return calls!  Maybe I should just turn the machine off, too????  

Then there are the people who have NO cell phone manners; talking loudly in checkout lines or in restaurants.  DUH!  I've even heard cell phones ring at church during the service.  Come on, people... what's the matter with you????  

Oh, to rewind the hands of time to a much simpler time... a time where technology didn't rule our lives.    I fear our wonderful technological tools are being abused and frankly.... I don't think it's going to get any better.  We just have to pray that people will have more common sense and wisdom when it comes to technology!   I hope we all look at the ways we pacify our lives's food for thought!

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