"The LORD is in his holy temple; the LORD is on His heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; His eyes examine them." Psalm 11:4
Ever hear the old adage that it's not good to be "under the microscope" in life? It's also said (in regard to the 'life microscope') that things up close don't look as good as from a distance. Perhaps that's the problem...we don't look at things up close enough! We have heard that the big picture is what is important; don't get too close or you'll miss the forest for the trees. We've heard it so much that sometimes we've stopped taking a closer look.When we begin to examine things from a closer perspective, sometimes our entire view of that thing (whatever it is) changes. We begin to realize the intricacies of God our Creator; His wonder in the magnificence of all He has made.
Perhaps, too, when taking a closer look at people or ourselves we see areas that need work or improvement. Maybe that's what we don't like. We don't like feeling 'exposed'. We don't like knowing that others see our scars, flaws, or vulnerabilities. We don't want people to really know what we're made of. But, let me say when God brings something in the light, that's a tangible chance that God is going to work in that area! We need not be ashamed of our microscopic view- only rejoice in the fact that God cares enough about us to be concerned with EVERY DETAIL of our lives.
The microscopic view is important in life. It shows what something is really made of to the tiniest detail.
On the surface, people see what they want to see. It's only through the microscope (much of which is done through the working of the Holy Spirit) that we really discern and distinguish and move forward in wisdom.
Are you feeling under the microscope today?
Are there things in your life that you should allow the Holy Spirit to examine under His microscope? Maybe we need to look at our ministries a little closer. Maybe it's a relationship. Perhaps its a character issue. Maybe it has to do with someone or something else. Don't avoid the microscope today, learn that God has many life lessons in the view of the microscope.
Here's a few things that deserve to be looked at a little closer:
Have a blessed day!