On Friday, I was watching Fox news when a story came on about a billboard on one of the busiest highways in Philadelphia (I-95) that read "Don't Believe in God? You are not alone." It was a promotion for a coalition of Atheists (The Greater Philadelphia Coalition of Reason). Atheists would probably argue that there have been plenty of billboards that are about God, which is true, but nonetheless... the billboard seemed to outrage many motorists. Complaints were called in to media outlets and thus, our front row seat to the mayhem.
Many Christians who have heard about the disturbing billboard chalk it up to a "SIGN of the times". Yeah, a literal sign I would say!
Over the past few days, this topic (atheism) kept coming up, so I decided I would bring it to light. You don't even need to look any further than the New York Times Best Seller list to know that books about godlessness are topping the charts. We are quickly becoming a godless society and I fear that soon our "religious freedoms" are soon going to be squelched.
Atheism is no more than a doctrine adhering to the belief that there is no deity; no God; no existence of any "higher power". It's dangerous enough to think that there is just a "higher power of consciousness", but to say there is no God altogether is simply foolish.
The Bible says:
"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good. The LORD looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. All have turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one." (Psalm 14:1-3)
Side Note: Is it any wonder that the national Atheists day is April 1st? April Fool's Day!
In my opinion, the billboard, best selling books, and growing atheistic trends are just one more way that our nation (which was founded on God) is shaking our fists toward the heavens and telling God to get out of our country! God is a perfect gentleman. I don't think it will be too long before He removes His hand from us. We can see the writing on the wall.
This weekend, we had a wonderful Missionary to Spain visit our church. He has been involved in Chi Alpha Ministries in colleges near Washington D.C. He said that "atheism is on the rise on college campuses". There it was again. He also spoke about the current calling he has to Spain where the one of the mainstream belief systems is atheism.
I have to wonder if our blessed nation, founded on God and Christian beliefs will become more and more atheistic in the last days! The Bible would seem to point toward that notion because the word says that the days would be like the days of Noah and Jonah. Unbelief was "THE BELIEF".
Folks, we all believe in something. Even atheists believe in something, therefore it is a type of religion/belief system. What are we substituting belief in God for? Belief in ourselves; materialism, authorities, governments? What is filling the God void?
God is trying to tell us something.
One of the most staggering statistics (according to a recent Gallup poll) was that over half of Americans would vote for a president who is atheist. Never mind that this country was founded on Christian beliefs! What are we doing to ourselves, America???
I don't like the way things are looking and I feel it even stronger in my spirit that our days are being numbered. We need to use every resource we have to share the gospel, further God's kingdom, and walk according to His Spirit and will.
One other point on my mind that the missionary confirmed was the fact that our American dollar is becoming less and less valuable on the world market. We all know that missionaries have to raise money in order to fulfill their work and they are having to raise even more because of the Euro dollar's value.
David Wilkerson newsletter that I received on Saturday reiterated this point. His title was "The Most Important Issue of This Hour". In his newsletter, he shared several points from a book that he wrote back in 1998 entitled "America's Last Call: On the Brink of a Financial Holocaust". Just as in the plagues that were demonstrated before Pharaoh when Moses asked him to let God's people go; each plague was a direct "debunking" of one of their gods. I think God is getting ready to "debunk" America's main god - MONEY.
Here are some of the warnings in that book from over a decade ago:
* God's judgment would strike suddenly on the US economy
*There would be a meltdown of the bond market
*A false sense of prosperity would precede the economic collapse
*Trouble in real estate- millions would lose their homes to repossession
*The US dollar would collapse
And one of the most ominous: God's watchmen and prophets would be silenced. (This makes me think of the "Fairness Act" and what may happen after the start of the new year!)
Wilkerson says many other "timely" words that are being fulfilled in today's headlines. He also says that the greatest shaking is still to come.
God is merciful and gracious and consistently warns His people in order to protect us. We "KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS".
Finally friends, be faithful with what God has given you... remember to tithe and fill the storehouse... do your best to live debt free. Above all, do not trust in "chariots and horses" but put all of your trust and dependence in the Almighty God. He is the provider and knows what you have need of even before you ask. When all else was dark, He gave light to His people in the land of Goshen! He supplied manna in the desert. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He will take care of YOU in the hour of trouble. Make it your prayer to ask God what you should do with your finances in the next 6 months. God is giving us the signs. We need to recognize the hour and live our lives in light of what we know.
Blessings friends, and may this word today encourage your faith!
Atheism: A Fast Growing Doctrine
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