
Expectant Prayers ®

Jennifer Jo Weiss

Winds of Change

I abruptly woke up around 4am to the sound of banging storm windows!

I could hear the wind howling outside and wondered what kind of changes the gusts were bringing with them.  My guess was colder weather (after all it is January), but I was wrong.  When I finally climbed out of bed and went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of sugar cookie tea, I noticed the temperature on the outdoor thermometer read 47 degrees!  This is weird, weird weather!  Call it La Nina, El Nino, or whatever you want... I am still convinced that God is the one who is ultimately in control of weather patterns.   Jesus can calm the winds and waves... (Matthew 26-27)  and the very voice of the Lord can command weather.  Psalm 147:18 says, "He stirs up the breezes".

Is He the cause of hurricanes, tornadoes, or other natural disasters?   Not necessarily, but He could create them or stop them if He so desires.  He is omnipotent.

When I begin noticing unusual weather patterns, I begin to ask myself, "What is God trying to say to us in the spirit?"   Today, I felt like He was giving a direct response in the wind.

The wind in Scripture is often a symbol for the Holy Spirit (Acts 2)!  And you can't have the Spirit in operation in your midst without some real CHANGES.  Just like the winds move our weather patterns, changing times and seasons, I feel that many of us are in for some real change.  What is God blowing into your life?  Only you can answer that!  But I know that it's always exciting to move into a different season with the Lord.  So, consider the wind today and ask the Lord to show you what He's getting ready to change in your life.  And like the wind, you will feel the affects of what He is stirring up!

Here's the lyrics to a song I wrote almost 10 years ago that talks about the wind of the Spirit.  I don't know if it will bless you or not, but it was on my mind this morning:


The winds are moving; will I let them move me?
The winds are stirring; will I let them move my soul?
The winds are changing; will I let them change me?
The winds are bringing the life that will save me.

The winds are blowin'; see where they take me...
To a place where His fire can shape me.
It's a place of surrender, a place of release,
A place where I can find it all, if I lay it all at His feet.

For like the wind, you don't know where He comes from or where He will go.
And like the wind that brings the rains in clouds, He'll reign upon your soul.
Let the anointing fill you until you overflow.

He's like the wind.... He's like the wind.

On another note, my first check from book sales arrived in the mail yesterday.  It was not a large check, as it reflected a very short quarter of sales.  The dollar amount isn't what excites me, it's the fact that our book is ministering to women and affecting lives of unborn babies!  Praise God!

 The devil has been attacking us for the past month and we feel it's largely in part for the impact this book is having.  Please continue to help us pray that God will get "Expectant Prayers for Expectant Mothers" into the hands of all who need to hear it.  I am praying to see it spread throughout the UK (it is already available there) and into Crisis Pregnancy Care Centers around the nation.

Have a blessed day friend, and remember...  the wind of His Spirit is blowing in our lives today!

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